The Ins and Outs of Planned Sex vs. Scheduled Sex

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When it comes to dating and relationships, there are many different approaches to intimacy. One topic that often sparks debate is the idea of planned sex versus scheduled sex. Some people believe that spontaneity is key to a healthy sex life, while others argue that scheduling intimate time can actually be beneficial for a relationship. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the pros and cons of both approaches to help you decide which one might be right for you.

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The Case for Planned Sex

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Planned sex involves setting aside time specifically for intimacy. This could mean planning a date night with your partner, scheduling a weekend getaway, or even just making a mental note to spend quality time together. The idea is to prioritize intimacy and make it a regular part of your relationship routine.

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One of the biggest benefits of planned sex is that it allows you to prioritize intimacy in the midst of busy schedules. When life gets hectic, it's easy for sex to fall by the wayside. By setting aside time for intimacy, you ensure that it remains a priority in your relationship.

Additionally, planned sex can also help to build anticipation and excitement. Knowing that you have a special night planned can create a sense of anticipation that can heighten the experience for both partners.

The Case for Scheduled Sex

Scheduled sex takes things a step further by actually putting sex on the calendar. This approach involves setting a specific time and date for intimacy, just like you would schedule any other important appointment.

One of the main benefits of scheduled sex is that it ensures that both partners are on the same page when it comes to intimacy. By setting a specific time for sex, you eliminate any uncertainty or guesswork about when it will happen. This can be particularly helpful for couples who have differing libido levels or busy schedules.

Scheduled sex can also be a great way to keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship. By making sex a regular part of your routine, you can ensure that it doesn't become an afterthought or something that only happens on special occasions.

Making the Choice

Ultimately, the decision to embrace planned sex or scheduled sex comes down to personal preference. Some people thrive on spontaneity and find that planned sex feels too contrived. Others appreciate the structure and predictability of scheduled sex.

It's important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to intimacy. What works for one couple may not work for another, and that's okay. The key is to communicate openly with your partner and find a solution that works for both of you.

Finding a Balance

Whether you choose planned sex or scheduled sex, it's important to find a balance that works for both partners. It's okay to mix things up and incorporate a bit of spontaneity into your routine, even if you typically prefer a more structured approach.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to prioritize intimacy and ensure that it remains a healthy and fulfilling part of your relationship. Whether you prefer planned sex, scheduled sex, or a combination of the two, the key is to find an approach that works for you and your partner.

In conclusion, whether you prefer planned sex or scheduled sex, the most important thing is to prioritize intimacy and ensure that it remains a healthy and fulfilling part of your relationship. Communicate openly with your partner and find a solution that works for both of you. Whether you choose to plan your intimate time or schedule it on the calendar, the key is to find a balance that works for both partners. And remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to intimacy, so don't be afraid to mix things up and find what works best for you and your partner.